Monday 18 June 2012

Scrap Camp - Handmade by Suzanne

The may camp was fun.

Rochelle and I left Perth on Friday afternoon. We stopped at her house so she could pick up her things and drop off her hubby. I played with the new kitten, who is very energetic. We got to camp around 19:30. Suzanne had saved a plate of food for each of us for dinner.

I got through a lot more layouts this time, a whopping 7 compared to last camp's measly 3. I have to say, I really liked being able to just take with me the patterned paper I wanted to work with, and then buying the appropriate coloured card stock when I was there. Waiting for my bag of stuff to go through the shop also gave me time for the creative juices to flow.
Being autumn, it was freezing at Pinjarra. We felt well-prepared with hot water bottles, rugs (take your own! Never believe someone who says they've got enough for you) and various extremity-covering devices (beanies, socks, gloves).
As one would expect on a camp, the beds were a tad uncomfortable. My mattress was so saggy I was sleeping below the frame, and Rochelle's was so hard it felt like a plank of wood. This made the going slow the next morning, but tasty hot food and the promise of a relaxing day ahead got us up nicely. Saturday was a lovely day outside, although I did not see most of it. The scenery was lovely, and some people took advantage of it; there was a group having a wedding at the village at the same time as the camp.
This camp also involved a competition layout. As there were a few day-scrappers, the competition was held on Saturday. It was a sketch that we had to design from. I partook in it, and made a layout based around my partner and a steam-powered clock we found in Vancouver, Canada.
Layout for competition

This was to echo the flowers on the clock in the photograph;
the metallic clockwork was made using UTEE in Rochelle's Melting Pot.
Close up of the other embellishments

To keep me going, I had a nap on Saturday afternoon. I am still unwell from a mystery virus, but recovering slowly. Rochelle and I stayed until the competition had been voted on and the winner was announced, then headed to her place to sleep. We chose the half hour drive with comfortable mattresses and pleasant showers over being able to walk back to the scrapping area; a good choice, I feel.

Sunday showed the importance of a good night's sleep before scrapping. Instead of the 2 layouts I'd completed the night before, I completed 5 layouts in less time on Sunday. I also got the hang of making my own pretty background papers from card stock, using sprays, ink pads and stencils.

All in all, I think I enjoyed this camp more, which I feel was a mix of a cosier venue and no concerns about having to organise my own meals. But probably mostly sleeping at Rochelle's house.

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